2022 AILO Donation Day at the British Institute

Thousands of euros raised at the American-International League (AILO) mini Christmas bazaar were given to several non-profit organizations during an official Donation Day ceremony on May 3, 2022 at the British Institute of Florence.
Each of the recipients — the Oratorio di San Filippo Neri (neighborhood center); AIL Firenze (leukemia patients), Crescere Insieme (people with learning difficulties and physical challenges), Associazione Pantagruel (women prison inmates) and VivaVittoria Firenze (victims of domestic violence) — will utilize the money to carry forward projects that otherwise would not be possible.
To see a video of the ceremony, please click here.
The mini Christmas bazaar took place from December 4 to 6, 2021, just two weeks before the steep wave of Omicron infections hit Florence.
Founded in 1975, AILO is a non-profit association with the mission to support charitable organizations specialized in assistance in Florence and its province. A club committee researches and visits each applicant, with recipients of proceeds that come in from fundraising events selected by the membership.