Health and Herbs: December

health-and-herbs-september-175x131It would be difficult to admire an awe-inspiring Florentine fresco painted on a ceiling if you suffer from chronic neck pain. Cervical arthrosis, also known as cervical spondylosis or neck arthritis, is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage and bones in your neck. It results in a stiff neck, minimal head movement, and pain that spreads towards the arms and shoulders. While the seven vertebrae in the neck make it the most mobile section of the spine, it is also the most vulnerable. Complaints of joint pain increase in December because blood does not circulate well in colder months. Mild cases of neck arthritis can be treated with hot showers, walking, swimming, and rest. The use of anti-inflammatory herbal teas is also very helpful. Dr. Russo of Florence’s Antica Erboristeria recommends brews of Blackcurrant, Mountain Arnica, and Devil’s Claw. These methods will help manage your pain and keep you as active as possible until a doctor can be consulted for for a neck x-ray. For more information, visit the Antica Erboristeria web site.