Anna Maria de’Medici Day & Free Museums

Sunday, February 18: ANNA MARIA DE’MEDICI DAY. Florence.
February 18 is a day of historical significance and celebration in Florence with events and free museum openings planned in recognition of Anna Maria Luisa dè Medici (1667-1743) on the anniversary of her death. This remarkable woman who was the last Medici ruler in Florence and a patron of the arts, gave her family’s significant cultural patrimony to the city.
Those interested in observing this day rich in Florentine history can participate in several different activities going on throughout the day.
A procession of Florentines dressed in traditional 18th century costume will march from Palagio di Parte Guelfa at 10:45 am to the Medici Chapels to participate in a ceremony at her grave.
History is something that feels very much alive in Florence, but on Sunday, for those interested, this takes on a whole new dimension. Starting at 10 am (and again at 11:30 am, 3:15 and 4:45 pm) in Palazzo Vecchio, history buffs and children alike will have the chance to meet and converse with a woman who fully embodies the spirit and knowledge of Anna Maria Luisa dè Medici.
Anna Maria willed the Uffizi to the city of Florence, and after the meet and greets with the children, the actress will host a talk where guests are encouraged to ask and learn more about the Medici family and life in Florence in the 1700s.
Reservations recommended by calling 055-2768224 or 055-2768558. Although admission and the historical reenactment is free, reservations are necessary by emailing or calling 055-2768224).
To further honor her memory, there are free museum openings all across Florence. The venues are listed below.
Palazzo Vecchio (9 am – 7 pm), including Arnolfo’s Tower (9 am- 5 pm)
Novecento Museum of 20th and 21st Century Art (11 am – 5:30 pm)
Santa Maria Novella (1 – 5 pm)
Brancacci Chapel (10 am – 5 pm, reservation necessary)
Palazzo Medici Riccardi (9 am – 7 pm)
Bardini Museum (1 – 5:30 pm)
Salvatore Romano Foundation (1 – 5 pm)
All are invited to commemorate this woman whose impact on Florence is timeless. (annikka oelhafen)