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Archeology Nights in Florence & Fiesole

Archeology Nights at Palazzo Medici Riccardi

The Bardini Museum and Palazzo Medici-Riccardi have organized two special evenings allowing for the public to experience viewing ancient masterpieces stored in the city museums.

At the Bardini Museum, on July 15, Antique Harmonie provides a unique opportunity for visitors to walk among urns, sarcophagi, paintings and monumental sculptures once owned by the art and antiques collector Stefano Bardini.  The guided tour will be accompanied by a musical performance inspired by myth and memories of the past.  Through stories and music participants can imagine the unrestrained romances of Aeneas and Dido and Bacchus and Ariadne.  The tours, held at 8 and 9:30 pm, require reservations.

Stefano Bardini Museum, via dei Renai, 37, Fiesole

Tour duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Costs: €2.50 (residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence) and €5.00 (non-residents of the Metropolitan City of Florence) in addition to the museum entrance ticket. Free for Florentine Card holders (within the limit of the three annual activities), children under 18, ICOM, ICOMOS, ICCROM members, tourist guides and interpreters, the disabled and carers. 2×1 reduction for Unicoop Florence members.

Reservation is mandatory at Tel.055-2768224 or email:

The Palazzo Medici-Riccardi with Stone Poems offers a guided tour of its archeological treasures and collection of antiquities, including the collection of reliefs and busts.  One famous piece on display, the rare bust of Roman empress Sabina, wife of emperor Hadrian, can be viewed close up.  Another, an engrossing bust of the child living in the 3rd century A.D., provides the entree for poetry of the great classics. The special nocturnal visit continues in the garden with the reading of the verses of Ovid and Sappho and Catullus as well as the Renaissance poets Petrarch and Poliziano.

Tours at 7:30 and 9 pm with mandatory reservations.

Tour duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Cost: Free entry

For information and reservations: Tel. 055-2760552 or email:

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