Remembering the Georgofili Victims 30 Years On

SUNSET The afternoon is on its way The sunset is approaching – a moment of wonder The sun is heading to bed It is already night, all is finished TRAMONTO Il pomeriggio se ne va il tramonto si avvicina un momento stupendo Il sole sta andando via (a letto) È già sera tutto è finito Written only a few days before her death, these are the words of a nine year old girl [...]

In Conversation with Bona Frescobaldi

  The evening before the Coronation, the director of the British Institute in Florence, Simon Gammell, held a timely conversation with Bona Marchi Frescobaldi, the wife of Vittorio Frescobaldi, about the family’s long-established ties to the monarchy of the United Kingdom. Guests assembled in the Harold Acton Library at the Institute at around 4:30 pm, enjoying tea and cake in typical British style. Bona arrived with her husband not long before the talk, [...]

Confessions of a Murderer in the Pazzi Conspiracy

The written confession of Antonio Maffei da Volterra, the would-be assassin who attempted the murder of Lorenzo de’ Medici, was recently discovered in the State Archives of Florence by Marcello Simonetta, New York University professor of history. On the 545th anniversary of the confession, May 3, 2023, the confession will be exhibited and presented by Professor Simonetta at Archivio di Stato di Firenze, (State Archives) Viale della Giovine Italia 6 at 11:30 am.  [...]

March 25: Florence Celebrates its Second New Year

  March 25: FLORENTINE NEW YEAR.  The main event will begin at 3:15 pm this Saturday, but there is a multitude of other activities. The history behind Florentine New Year starts in the mid-thirteenth century. From 1250 to 1750, Florence’s New Year was on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. People could be seen coming together in the SS Annunziata to ring in the spring season and to commemorate the moment when [...]

The 2023 Black History Month Florence Program

  Black History Month is being celebrated for the eighth year this month in Florence with art exhibitions, talks, screenings of short films, a concert series, and more. This year’s theme is sforzando, which holds two meanings in the context of Black History Month. Sforzando is traditionally a musical term that means playing a single note suddenly and with strong emphasis. This edition’s events dedicated to celebrating Black culture and history will bring [...]

Holiday ‘Open Day’ at the Gherardesca & Orti Dipinti Gardens

  December 18: OPEN DAY.  Gherardesca garden (entrances: Borgo Pinti 97, piazzale Donatello 12, and via Gino Capponi 54) and Orti Dipinti Garden(Borgo Pinti, 76.) The Open Day with family events in both Gherardesca Garden and Orti Dipinti community garden are returning after not being held for years due to the pandemic. The day of giving back with charity events will include music, food, exhibitions, and a lottery. The Open Day hosted by [...]

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies & Celebrations 2022

Christmas trees around the city will be lit on December 7. At 4:30 pm the Christmas tree in Piazza Sant’Ambrogio will be lit which will be accompanied by the Light Gospel Choir and coffee tasting. A presentation of the project of “Three Women and a Panda” will follow. Also at 4:30 pm in Piazza Signoria la Compagnia di Babbo Natale will perform carols in English and Italian. Another tree will be lit in [...]

Museo Novecento Exhibitions Spotlight Ukrainian Women

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25), the Museo Novecento of 20th and 21st Century Art is inaugurating an art show featuring the latest photographic series by Julia Krahn. The artist was raised in Germany, and has devoted herself to her photography since the year 2000. The artist invited Ukrainian refugees to share their stories through the images she took, and through interviews that will [...]

Florence’s World War 2 Liberation Day Events, 2022

Every year on August 11, Florentines celebrate the liberation of the city from the Nazi and Fascist forces during World War II.  The focus is the return of democracy to the city in the wake of the 1944 retreat of the German army.  A number of commemorative events, therefore, will be taking place. Wednesday, August 10 A ceremony will be held to honor Sikh casualties, who died in the fighting for the liberation [...]

The 2022 Von Rezzori Literary Prize Honors Foreign Authors

  A literary festival culminating in the Von Rezzori award ceremony will return to the city of Florence from May 30 – June 1, 2022. In its 16th edition, the festival, organized by the Santa Maddalena Foundation, will announce the winner of the Gregor von Rezzori prize, established in honor of the late author, Gregor von Rezzori, by his wife, Beatrice Monti della Corte in 2007.  Finalists, and interested writers, may also apply [...]