Elimination of Violence Against Women Day, Florence

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, November 25, is in its 21st annual year, after an official recognition by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999. The day raises awareness for gender based violence and gender inequality. In typical years, Florence offers several events in solidarity with the movement: street art depictions, flash mobs, art exhibitions, and more. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts will look much different [...]

‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest in Florence

Residents are invited to gather peacefully outside the U.S. Consulate in Florence on Saturday, June 6 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm to protest the tragic death of George Floyd and the countless other people who have died from unnecessary race-based violence by police. Promoted by the U.S. community in Florence, participants will stand and kneel in silence for the duration of the hour and join a call for systematic change, social and economic [...]

Florence Nightingale and International Nurses Day

  For the first time, International Nurses Day will be celebrated exclusively online through social media and web platforms, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. May 12, 2020 will mark not just the annual celebration of the efforts of nurses from all around the world, but also the 200-year anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale; the influential woman dubbed the ‘mother of modern nursing’ and ‘the lady with the lamp.’ The celebrations will [...]

May 1 Labor Day News & Free Concert

On May 1, Labor Day, Italians commemorate the labor union movement and its social and economic achievements during a nationwide public holiday.  Beginning on this day, which currently falls during the Coronavirus health emergency, an ordinance signed by Tuscan governor Enrico Rossi will allow residents to exercise outdoors, take walks and bike rides within the limits of the town or city where they live (parks become accessible again starting May 4) all the [...]

March 25, the Traditional Florentine New Year

The traditional Florentine New Year has been always celebrated on the date of the feast of the Annunciation, March 25.  Following time-honored custom, from the years 1250 to 1750, Florentines would gather on that date in piazza Santissima Annunziata. They welcomed the arrival of spring as well as commemorating the anniversary of the Annunciation, or the conversation between Gabriel and Mary when the angel shared with Mary the news of her divine pregnancy, [...]

‘Vecchie Glorie’ Calcio Storico Re-enactment

Mon. 17: CALCIO STORICO HISTORICAL GAME RE-ENACTMENT. Piazza Santa Croce. Historical parade leave the Palagio di Parte Guelfa at 2:30 pm; blessing in the Basilica of Santa Croce at 2:45 pm; match at 3 pm. Florence will once again commemorate the historic 1530 Calcio Storico match played in defiance of the siege posed by Charles V of Spain with a reenactment featuring the “Vecchie Glorie” in the same venue, offering a spectacle of men, [...]

The 2020 Women’s March in Florence

Florence is one of the many locations of the Women’s March, which will be held on the fourth anniversary of the first event. United by concurrent Women’s Marches throughout the world and the common hash tag #WomenRising2020,  all are invited to gather in Florence’s Piazza San Lorenzo on January 18 from 2:30 – 5 pm to voice their respect for women who have a right to live a life free of violence. Participants [...]

1966 Florence Flood Documentary Screening

The Zeffirelli Foundation will host a special viewing of the documentary Florence: Days of Destruction to commemorate the 53nd anniversary of the flood that devastated Florence in 1966. The event will take place at the Complex of San Firenze (Piazza di S. Firenze, 5), on November 23 at 4 pm.  The cost is €10, with an archive tour to follow and aperitivo in the Zeffirelli Tea Room. The 49-minute film is a testament [...]

Corri La Vita: Solidarity and Sustainability

  Sunday, Sept 29:  CORRI LA VITA (Run for Life) 17th annual fundraiser for breast cancer treatment and research. The race starts at 8:45 am.  Participants are invited to meet at the starting line before 8:30 am in Piazza Vittorio Veneto (located in the Parco delle Cascine, Florence). Corri La Vita offers a walk of approx. 5.5 km (3.5 miles) open to all, or a run of approximately 11 km (nearly 7 miles) [...]

Florence’s European Day of Jewish Culture

Balagan Cafe

Sept. 22: FLORENCE’S EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE: DREAMS, A LADDER TO HEAVEN. 11 am onwards.  Synagogue, via Farini 6, Florence. Florence’s European Day of Jewish Culture, with free admission, includes events that will allow visitors to learn more about the history and the modern life of the Jewish community, the importance of dreams and how national traditions are organically integrated into modernity. Of course, guests won’t want to miss a chance to [...]