To celebrate International Women’s Day on Wednesday, March 8, the Accademia on via Ricasoli will be free to women visitors from 8:15 am – 1:50 pm (last admission 1:20 pm). This day was instituted to celebrate the political, social, and economic advancements of women around the world and in history, presenting an opportunity for the museum to unveil some important changes. Although most come for the statue of David, the Accademia is also [...]
Fri. 24 – Sun. 26: DANZAINFIERA dance festival 2023. Fortezza da Basso. Open 9 am to 8 pm. Admission €18, reduced €12. The slogan for this year’s 17th edition of Danzainfiera is, “all you need is dance.” Dance lovers, students, professional dancers, and representatives from schools and companies will all gather for this special event. The festival will offer multiple lessons, dance shows, book presentations, and meet & greets open to all, along [...]
Until January 29, 2023: FIRST ACT by Marya Kazoun. Sala Bianca, Pitti Palace. Open Tuesday to Sunday, 8.15 am – 6.30 pm. Closed Monday. Admission to the Pitti Palace is €10, reduced price is €2, while on Wednesday afternoon after 3 pm a discounted entrance of €5 is offered. Using the religious sphere as her creative influence, Lebanese-Canadian artist, Marya Kazoun, unveils a contemporary interpretation in her installation, “First Act.” Using sculpture art [...]
Customarily, Florence’s state-run museums offer free admission on the first Sunday of the month. Since New Year’s Day, January 1, arrives on a Sunday, only a handful will be accessible with no-cost entrance. They are: the Uffizi Gallery (10:45 am – 6:45 pm); the Boboli Gardens (11 am – 4:3o pm); the Academy Gallery (8:15 am – 6:50 pm); the Bargello National Sculpture Museum and the Medici Chapels (10 am – 6 pm) [...]
Sun. 27: FIRENZE MARATHON. Starts and ends in Piazza Duomo. 8:30 am. Athletes from all over will come together for the Firenze Marathon. The marathon itself is 42.195 kilometers (26 mi). The route will go through centuries of art, history and culture here in Florence. Registrations are closed as of now, however more information about the event’s route and background can be found at Expect to see the fastest runner receive their trophies [...]
The Accademia Gallery, home of Michelangelo’s sculpture David, his Prisoners and medieval paintings, will be open from 8:15 a.m. to 6:50 p.m. starting on June 21. Extended summer evening hours on Tuesdays also return on the 21st, during which the museum will stay open until 10 p.m. The museum will stay closed on Mondays. Because of the new hours, visitors can now fully experience the gallery’s upgraded LED lighting as it illuminates the [...]
Thousands of euros raised at the American-International League (AILO) mini Christmas bazaar were given to several non-profit organizations during an official Donation Day ceremony on May 3, 2022 at the British Institute of Florence. Each of the recipients — the Oratorio di San Filippo Neri (neighborhood center); AIL Firenze (leukemia patients), Crescere Insieme (people with learning difficulties and physical challenges), Associazione Pantagruel (women prison inmates) and VivaVittoria Firenze (victims of domestic [...]
The Palazzo Pitti complex and Boboli Gardens (Giardino di Boboli) have always been accessible via the means of separate tickets, but from May 3, it will be possible for visitors to buy single admission for Palazzo Pitti (which houses multiple galleries and museums) and the Boboli Gardens. In the summer season, the ticket will be available for €22 (€4 less when compared to two individual tickets), and in the winter season for €14 [...]
The winning project for the redevelopment of the Artemio Franchi stadium (Stadio Franchi), home to the A.C. Fiorentina soccer team, was recently presented in Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio. The stadium, created by renowned Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi (✞ 1979), is one of the most significant examples of 20th-century architecture in the city. Located in the Campo di Marte neighborhood, the Franchi stadium, boasting a capacity for a capacity of 45,000 [...]
The ‘Domenica Metropolitana’ returns on March 6, a day in which all residents of the Greater Florence Metropolitan area have the opportunity to visit local city-run museums for free. Thanks to the support of GIOTTO, a brand from F.I.L.A. (Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini), citizens will also be able to take part in the numerous visits and activities scheduled in various places. Cost-free entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Santa Maria [...]