The river is sparkling, the air is warm, and you’d be outside…if you weren’t so exhausted from the constant sun exposure! According to Dr. Fernando Russo, asthenia (an umbrella term for laziness, dizziness, fatigue) can be treated with a simple herbal tea. Served a half hour before meals, artemisia teas will leave you feeling re-energized. Add 1 tbsp. per cup of hot water and leave five minutes to infuse. For itchy mosquito bites [...]
Take advantage of the fresh and in-season produce that June affords us by eating fruits like mangos and loquats. They’ll keep your energy high and your body feeling light. Dr. Russo recommends the substitution of normal espresso with its caffeine-free counterpart, caffè d’orzo (a barley based espresso-style drink). Also try replacing rice or couscous with orzo pasta, for fewer calories but equally tasty delights. To complement your summer diet, drink a Bermuda grass [...]
During May, you may feel bloated and sluggish or have swelling in your legs, which can feel oppressively heavy. Don’t be alarmed, this often happens in conjunction with the onset of warm weather. Lymph nodes unfortunately fill with metabolic scum that slows natural bodily processes. These ailments are easily curable, however, with just one stop at your local erboristeria. To achieve better circulation by cleansing blood and lymph nodes, Dr. Fernando Russo suggests [...]
Spring! The sun! Last summer’s bikini? The arrival of spring may make you hyperaware of those pesky traces of cellulite you overlooked during the winter. By following some simple tips, anyone can be on their way to confidence this season. Focusing on natural anti-cellulite remedies, our local erboristeria (organic pharmacy) owner, Dr. Fernando Russo from Erboristeria Antica San Simone, shares some insight. According to Dr. Russo, it is important to understand that cellulite develops over [...]
As the winter cold intensifies, the flu and common cold symptoms abound. Warm up with a piping hot mug of Echinacea which, according to Dr. Fernanda Russo of Florence’s Erboristeria Antica San Simone, will defend your immune system from viruses and common colds. If you still find yourself with a cold, use Sambuca or Tilia to make a homeopathic tea that reduces your fever. Those who strengthened their immune system in previous months [...]
Antica Erboristeria San Simone looks like a pharmacy, smells like an herb garden, and feels like a soothing cup of tea. Mirroring its history, Florence is known for its art, architecture and crafts made by hand. San Simone serves as a reminder of the amazing things that nature can offer. The shelves are lined with candles, creams and perfumes, herbal teas and medicines, all of which are all natural and good for both [...]
It would be difficult to admire an awe-inspiring Florentine fresco painted on a ceiling if you suffer from chronic neck pain. Cervical arthrosis, also known as cervical spondylosis or neck arthritis, is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage and bones in your neck. It results in a stiff neck, minimal head movement, and pain that spreads towards the arms and shoulders. While the seven vertebrae in the neck make it the most [...]
Truffles, not tissues, are a symbol of the great November celebrations in Italy. Employ preventative measures against the common cold this month and make sure to attend the truffle festivals. Dr. Russo of the Antica Erboristeria San Simone recommends taking 30 drops of Echinacea and Cat’s Claw three times a day until symptoms improve. Adjust dosages accordingly for children (one drop per 4 lbs of body weight). Dr. Russo also suggests drinking soothing [...]