November 29 at 9 pm: Orchestra della Toscana. The Mandela Forum, piazza Enrico Berlinguer 1. The Orchestra della Toscana is bringing a Mozart masterpiece to a Florentine neighborhood near you with their “Musica Diffusa” tour. The composer’s renowned opera Don Giovanni will be acted by Alessandro Riccio, a talented and experienced actor. This rendition of the opera aims to straddle the line between classical music and theater. The approach remains serious and irreverent [...]
Tuesday, Nov. 28: LECTURE IN ENGLISH. Angela Oberer will speak on The Life and Times of Artist Rosalba Carriera. CEA-CAPA Study Center, Piazza della Repubblica 6. 7 pm. Free admission. Please reserve a place by emailing Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757) whose 350th birthday we celebrate this year was the most successful woman artist during her lifetime. Everywhere hymns were sung in praise of her skill and her personality, often in lofty and impassioned language. [...]
In commemoration of the illustrious painter Sir Joshua Reynolds’ (1723-1792) ties to Italy, who was born 300 years ago, there will be two opportunities to discover places where he lived and frequented on the 300th anniversary year of his birth. Free guided tours will be offered on October 15 and November 12 at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm, with the meeting point in Piazza Santa Trinita. The occasion is being promoted by Florence [...]
The public is welcome to attend the conference “Artists’ Workshop Practice in the Renaissance” at the Netherlands Interuniversity Institute for Art History (NIKI), Viale Evangelista Torricelli 5 (near Poggio Imperiale) on September 21 – 22. Free of charge to all and held in English, the conference at the co-organized by Michelle O’Malley (Emeritus Professor at the Warburg Institute / NIKI-scholar-in-residence) and Lydia Goodson (independent scholar). The workshop was the nexus of artistic production [...]
Racism in Italy will be the subject of an upcoming lecture in English by Dr. Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau at the CEA-CAPA Study Center, piazza della Repubblica 6, on September 19, starting at 7 pm. The talk is titled, “Between Colonial Removal and Xenoracism. Talking about Race in Italy.” Admission is free, but you must reserve a spot by emailing There will be refreshments for guests. The premise of the talk is [...]
Musica sui sagrati is a series of free, classical concerts by the Toscana Classica Orchestra held on the steps of churches in and around the city through mid-September. All start at 9 pm. The final performances are as follows: Saturday, August 26 Toscana Classica will play “Le Rose dei Venti” in front of the Misericordia in Piazza Duomo near the Cathedral. Friday, September 1 Florence’s Ensemble San Felice and the Associazione Bel Canto of [...]
The Desiderio da Settignano Choir and Orchestra is hosting a concert in the Santa Croce Basilica this Wednesday, June 15 at 9:15 pm. The program, created and inspired by the late founder Johanna Knauf, offers free admission to listen to works by Fanny Hensel Mendelssohn and Louise Farrenc. Female composers of the 19th century, Mendelssohn and Farrenc’s talents were appreciated by Johanna who founded the Desiderio da Settignano Choir in 1989, offering anyone [...]
World-renowned artists, scholars and writers will be gathering on the scenic grounds of Villa La Pietra from May 11 to June 30, located in the outskirts of Florence, to participate in NYU’s annual cultural programme, ‘The Season.’ Members of the public are invited to enjoy a range of free performances, designed for the both English and Italian speaking audience, including exhibitions, concerts and theatrical productions, put on by collaborating artists. Conversation between the [...]
The Iris Garden, located near to Piazzale Michelangelo, is a fleeting botanical splendour not to be missed. Created in 1957 for the International Iris Competition (hosted by the Italian Iris Society), this year’s contest will be taking place from May 8 – 13 (65th edition). Forming a vibrant oasis of thousands of varieties, a considerable number of ancient and rare species of iris can be found here, including the white iris Florentina. It opens [...]
Activists Sabri Najafii and Sanaz Partow will give a talk in English on the women in Iranian society after the exile of the Shah at the CEA-CAPA Study Center, piazza della Repubblica 6, on April 11 starting at 6 pm. The door is between Gilli and Paszkowski, while the center is located on the third floor (take the elevator on the right). Masha Jina Amini was arrested and killed in September 2022 and [...]