F-Light Special Light Show to Honor Frontline Workers

The organizers of the Florence Light Festival (F-Light), which began December 8, have launched a new symbolic show titled “The Lights of the Resistance: Faith, Hope, and Generosity” which will debut Monday, December 21 from 5 to 10 pm and will remain on view nightly until Wednesday, December 23.
“As we approach the end of 2020,” says mayor Dario Nardella, “we wish to illuminate the most meaningful spaces throughout the city in honor of the frontline workers who have heroically saved countless lives over the past months. While we still remain socially distant, these lights are a means to feel closer to the doctors, nurses, and health workers who have acted courageously since the spring.”
In collaboration with Silfi Spa, “The Lights of the Resistance” illuminates Piazza dell’Olio, Piazza della Repubblica, in addition to Piazza Brunelleschi near the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. The lights, reflected in the night sky, contain the final three cantos of The Divine Comedy, which is a homage to the upcoming celebrations marking Dante Alighieri’s 700th year of birth. Green rays will also create a geometric light show on the facade of Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, the Santa Rosa Health Authority building, and the new entrance to the Careggi Hospital. The color green symbolizes hope for when the region will be a green zone in regards to the containment of the virus.
Sergio Risaliti, artistic director of F-light, explains that now more than ever we need the symbol of light to transcend the time we are living in. For that reason, festival organizers have chosen several other specific spots around the city from which the light show will be projected–such as the San Zanobi Column the Abbondanza Column, and the former location of the Dovizia Column near the Mercato Nuovo (demolished in the late 19th century along with the Old Market and Ghetto)–to remember those lost to Covid-19, as well as a hopeful message for a quick return to serenity in 2021. (elizabeth berry)