Florence Family Holiday Events in English 2022
There are two Christmas activities this week planned for the whole family. All ages can get into the holiday spirit by joining the festive fun!
Thursday, Dec. 15: CHRISTMAS WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP. St. Mark’s English Church, via Maggio 16. 8 pm. Open to all ages, participants only need to bring a wire coat hanger; fir branches and decorations will be supplied, which, along with refreshments, are included in the €10 fee. Reservations necessary; send an email to administrator@stmarksitaly.com
Saturday, Dec. 17: CHILDREN’S LENDING LIBRARY CHRISTMAS PARTY. St. James Church undercroft, via B. Rucellai 9. 4 – 6 pm.
The afternoon will be filled with holiday spirit, featuring arts and crafts activities, letter writing to Santa, Christmas carols accompanied by live music, a used and new book sale, and a visit from Santa Claus himself. Refreshments and homemade American desserts will also be on sale. Entrance is free but for library members only and non-members can sign up by with a year membership for €15.
The best-known reading center for bilingual kids in Florence, the Children’s Lending Library offers picture books, primary and easy readers, nonfiction, reference and junior fiction, all in English. Nestled below the American Church near Porta a Prato, the library contains 1,000 volumes; volunteers organize readings, and other activities.