Florence Historic Landmarks Open During FAI Autumn Days

Visitors will be able to tour historic properties and churches for free or with an FAI membership from Saturday, October 12, to Sunday, October 13. The FAI Foundation has prepared openings for 26 sites of historic estates in the Tuscan region, including four in Florence for this year’s FAI Autumn Days. FAI, the organizers, is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving Italy’s private historical and artistic monuments.
Since FAI manages thousands of properties, the organization offers the public the opportunity to explore them and discover more of the local cultural heritage. Autumn Days offer unique chance to visit locations that are usually not accessible to the public.
Openings at as many as 360 locations across the entire country are planned for this year’s edition. Below is specific information on the venues that will. be accessible in Florence.
Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico Militare di Firenze, via Reginaldo Giuliani 21
The whole complex spans 55,000 m² and consists of several buildings, each with distinct architectural styles and purposes. The Military Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant of Florence was established in the city in 1931, after moving from Turin. Initially, it was dedicated to producing medicines for the military. After World War II, it expanded its role to supply not only the armed forces but also civilians. Additionally, it has provided critical medical resources during emergencies. Today, it is involved in pharmaceutical research and development. During FAI Autumn Days, guests will be able to see the production process of “orphan drugs” (medications that are not developed by pharmaceutical companies due to limited profitability) and other medicines. Devices from earlier years used in drug production will also be displayed, along with many old photographs.
Admission is free for everyone. Open on Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13, from 10 am till 5 pm (last entrance at 5 pm). Time duration: 45 minutes.
Villa Schifanoia, via Giovanni Boccaccio 21
Visitors can also explore Villa Schifanoia, one of the sites of the European University Institute (EUI). Located on the hills of Fiesole, the Villa dates back to the 15th century, when the Cresci family changed it from an old farmhouse into an elegant residence. In 1927, it was purchased by an American woman, who designed the Italian garden on three terraces. The tour will include the formal gardens, the chapel, and the interior, offering access to areas typically closed to the public, such as the main hall and the former library, which features a 16th-century wooden ceiling crafted in Spain. These spaces are currently used for academic activities by the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, one of the EUI’s prominent research institutes.
Admission is free for everyone. Open on Saturday, October 12, and Sunday, October 13, from 10 am to 5 pm (last entrance is at 5 pm). Duration: 50 minutes.
Oratorio di Gesu Pellegrino, Oratorio dei Pretoni, via San Gallo 22
The Oratory of San Salvatore, founded in 1313 by the Congregation of Gesù Pellegrino, was later rebuilt based on a design by Giovan Antonio Dosio at the request of Cardinal Alessandro de’ Medici. Currently, the church has been repurposed as a study space for the Academy of Fine Arts. Located on Via degli Arazzieri, the building features an impressive façade on Via San Gallo, with a striking portal designed by Dosio and a modern carved wooden door. Inside, the nave contains three altars, with the central one featuring a niche framed by Corinthian columns and topped with a triangular pediment. Visitors will have the chance to learn about the building’s history, admire the frescoes, and visit the tomb of the famous Pievano Arlotto.
Open on Saturday, October 12, from 10 am to 5 pm, and Sunday, October 13, from 12:30 to 5 pm (the last admission at 5 pm). It’s only available to FAI members, with the possibility of registering on the website. Duration: 40 minutes.
Church of Santa Maria di Candeli, Borgo Pinti 41/r
The church di Santa Maria di Candeli, located in the Santa Croce district, dates back to the 13th century. It was once a part of the ancient monastery of Santa Maria a Candeli, which is now a barracks for the Carabinieri police. The church is renowned for its late Baroque decorations and valuable frescoes. The event organized by FAI allows visitors to see spaces that are usually closed to the public, such as refectory (with the frescoes by the famous painter Giovanni Antonio Sogliani) and the chapel.
The church is open on Saturday, October 12, from 10 am to 5 pm (the last admission at 5 pm), and on Sunday, October 13, from 12:30 to 5 pm. Visit duration: 40 minutes. Those interested in visiting Chiesa di Santa Maria di Candeli need to make a reservation as FAI members. It is possible to do so on the website: https://fondoambiente.it/. Membership costs: €10 for individuals under 30 years old, €29 for the individuals and €56 for families. (Paulina Juzak)