The Florence School of Banking & Finance

A new institution sponsored by the European University Institute and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (a bank foundation) was recently launched in the city of Medici bankers and Renaissance intellectual thought. EUI president Joseph Weiler and CRF president Umberto Tombari recently signed an agreement inaugurating a program aimed at training future professionals in banking and finance.
The new school aspires to become a leading European platform bringing together practitioners and academics to assist institutions in making informed choices in their economic and social roles in Europe.
The program, focusing on three substantive areas, Financial Stability and Regulation, Markets and Central Banking and Financial Architecture, will utilize policy debate, training and applied research in collaboration with its network of leading academic institutions and the finance sector.
Economics Professor Elena Carletti of Bocconi University in Milan has been named Scientific Director of the program. The Florence School of Banking and Finance targets professionals working in the business sector: bankers, European institutions, the European Central Bank and academics in the field of banking and finance. A series of training courses and conferences is scheduled beginning in spring 2016.
CRF President Tombari maintains the signing of the agreement demonstrates “a sign of confidence in a city that has played a major role in the formation of Western civilization and continues to offer much to the international community.”
For more information see website: (rita kungel)