‘Happy but Discontent’: the Festival of Religions

November 19 – 21: FESTIVAL OF RELIGIONS. Basilica of San Miniato and the Church of San Salvatore al Monte.
The biannual Festival of Religions is making its return with the theme of “happy, but discontent” throughout its program. Taking place from November 19 to November 21, the event will see members of Florence’s religious community give talks about finding true happiness, rather than remaining discontent because the privilege that some people have incentives them to never seek it out.
Notable events include an eyewitness testimony by Holocaust survivor, Edith Bruck, followed by her receiving the key to the city from mayor Dario Nardella, which will all take place in the Basilica di San Miniato al Monte; discussion on prospects of peace in the Middle East with Luigi di Maio and Paolo Mieli, which will also be held in the Basilica di San Miniato al Monte; as well as the happiness found in Islam and Judaism with Izzedin Elzir and Enrico Fink, respectively the heads of the Islamic and Jewish communities in Florence, which will be hosted by the Church of San Salvatore al Monte. (nelson matos)
For locations and bookings for each event, check the program page of the festival’s website. The events are also in live streaming.