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Health & Herbs, February

*IMG_6080 copyAs the winter cold intensifies, the flu and common cold symptoms abound.  Warm up with a piping hot mug of Echinacea which, according to Dr. Fernanda Russo of Florence’s  Erboristeria Antica San Simone, will defend your immune system from viruses and common colds. If you still find yourself with a cold, use Sambuca or Tilia to make a homeopathic tea that reduces your fever.  Those who strengthened their immune system in previous months with daily supplements of Vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea, and Propolis, can now start thinking about springtime allergy prevention.

Dr. Russo recommends starting a cycle of Cypress compresses, taking one daily for 20 consecutive days.  She also suggests eating less pasta and more soup for optimal winter nourishment.  The classic Italian minestrone is chock-full of vitamins, nminerals and other immune system defenders.  Add some common legumes like lentils, chickpeas and beans.  Integrating in-season vegetables that are full of antioxidants–pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage and turnips–will also be beneficial.  Seed oil as well as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds have purifying properties.

When wintertime hunger strikes, eat hazelnuts and walnuts as snacks rather than choosing excessively sweet treats.  Avoid refined sugars and stick to natural sources like honey, which will protect the immune system and nourish your body.

Dr. Fernanda Russo is the owner of the Erboristeria Antica San Simone  on via Ghibellina 90/r.  She has studied both conventional and homeopathic medicine and has an extensive knowledge of herbs and aromatherapy.  She graciously shares here knowledge through private consultations at her shop, which also sells teas, candles, incense, soaps and much more.  For more information, visit


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