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‘In Step With Women’ (A Passo di Donna) Walk

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence on November 25 will be preceded in Florence by “In Step with Women,” (A Passo di Donna) an initiative open to everyone on Saturday, November 16.  Organized by the Municipality of of Florence and city’s five neighborhoods (quartieri), “In Step with Women” is a free walk that will start from each district. Participants will pass by the permanent installations of benches, painted red to symbolize violence that has targeted women, to converge in of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence’s city hall, in piazza Signoria at noon. 

For District 1, departure is set for 10:45 am from the Torrino di Santa Rosa, for District 2, 10:45 am at the Niccolò Galli Park; district 3, 9:30 am at Piazza Elia Dalla Costa; District 4; 9 am on Via degli Arcipressi; and District 5, 10:45 am at the Garden at Piazza Medaglie d’Oro. More information about the “In Step With Women” walk can be found at:

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