Massimo Vitali & Alinari Photos at Belvedere

Until October 10: ITALY: FROM ALINARI TO MASTERS OF CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY and MASSIMO VITALI: FULL AND EMPTY. Forte Belvedere. Hours: Tuesday to Friday 4 pm – 9 pm; Saturday and Sunday from 10 am – 9 pm; closed on Mondays. Free admission.
Journey through time with Museo Novecento of 20th and 21st Century Art’s newest photography project “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Italy’s self-portrait in the mirror” (“Ieri, Oggi, Domani: Italia autoritratto allo specchio”) by Sergio Risaliti. The summer 2021 project includes two large exhibitions – “Italy: From Alinari to the Masters of Contemporary Photography” and “Massimo Vitali: Full and Empty” – which will be on display at Forte Belvedere through early fall.
September 1 also brings a jazz concert at sunset on the terrace of Forte Belvedere overlooking the city. The performance, entitled “The Shape of My Heart” features vocals by Michaela Lombardi, with Piero Frassi at the piano.
Inside the fortress, “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” pays tribute to Italy and those areas in which COVID-19 greatly affected. The project tells the story of the country and its cultural heritage through a variety of shots dating from the 19th century to today. The first of two concurrent exhibitions, “Italy: From Alinari to the Masters of Contemporary Photography” (Italiae: dagli Alinari ai maestri della fotografia contemporanea) offers a century and a half of photography that begins with the Alinari Brothers and their work in the late 1800s and ends with shots by the 20th century masters of the lens in the Alinari Archives at Forte Belvedere. Curated by Rita Scartoni and Luca Criscenti, the exhibition is divided into three sections: landscapes, works and portraits. Each multifaceted theme captures its own historical, geographical and artistic path. Through these paths, visitors will get a glimpse of Italy from different moments in time.

“Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” continues with the second exhibition “Massimo Vitali: Full and Empty” (“Massimo Vitali: Pienovuoto”). Curated by Sergio Risaliti, the show features a selection of work created by Como-born Massimo Vitali.

The “Massimo Vitali: Full and Empty” display will take attendees through the lens of Vitali and into the world of contemporary society. The Italian photographer, well-known for his “metaphysical shots” and large-scale photos of beaches, captures the story of “the normal man.” Portraits of society amidst crowds and solitude will unveil Italy through unique points of view. The lack of identifiable detail and historical significance in Vitali’s photos will leave guests stranded in a cinematic universe.
The two large shows set up on the three floors of the Buontalenti building, offer their own photographic interpretation of Italy. Comprising the Museo Novecento’s photography project “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,” the exhibitions bring scenes from the beaches to the mountains all the way to the rainbows in the skies. The displays are a journey you won’t want to miss. (rachel pellegrino)
Admission to the exhibitions is free. For more information email or call 055 286132.